So tomorrow is the start of the grand journey. Fifteen hours south through Nevada to W Farms in California, where Victor and I will stay for a few days before we fly to Florida. And not too soon, as the last couple days highs here in Boise have only reached the mid-20s. Yuck. My toes and fingers are frozen. It will be quite the shock to be in 80 degree weather!
I've taken care of a few loose ends as far as logistics go (aka, I should probably stay somewhere while I'm in California!). Today Lana and I packed up the trailer and figured out what all needed to travel to Florida versus what would be used in California, etc. I loaded up some extra hay and shavings yesterday and made a few notes about arrangements to make while I'm in CA (namely, order hay and shavings for Florida). I also went through my wardrobe and tried to figure out what to pack. I'm going from mid-20s here in Idaho (and just as cold through most of Nevada), to upper 60s-low 70s in California with a "frost-warning" (whatever that is, from my perspective in Idaho it seems silly), to a cold flight to Florida (those cargo planes are freezing cold), to highs in the 80s-lows in the upper 60s in Florida itself. So I pretty much packed everything I own LOL.
Victor has been doing very well. Some issues that I've spent the past year trying to resolve have all the sudden come together in the past week. Good timing I suppose! Not to say I will be able to translate that into a significantly improved test but we will give it out best shot. The piaffe has been a little hit or miss lately although everything else is significantly better. I did discover his piaffe is better when he is well connected versus when I try to ride him longer or looser within it.
The journey tomorrow should be pretty easy. Luckily for us there are no major storms going through Nevada or California and the last snowfall was last Wednesday. So plenty of time for those roads to clear out. Looking forward to making it to California safe and sound.
Safe travels!