So I decided against going to the WC this year as I'd already spent enough $$ in California on my shows trying to get to the WC. LOL. Now I'm regretting it as I see Facebook posts about the horses arriving, interviews with the top riders, posts about friends of mine going, etc, etc. Vegas is not my cuppa tea, I'd really rather be anywhere else, but on the other hand it would be worth it to see Valegro and Charlotte in the flesh. Oh well, another time.
I'm back to work this week riding all the horses, my FEI horses and the babies. Plus teaching. The motto of the work has been "keep going", no matter what the issue, "forward", as they say, fixes everything. I'm not always sure of that but I do think to just keep going eventually solves a myriad of problems. Maybe it's because the horse eventually wears out LOL.
I also have been clearer about asking for specific responses, getting a reaction, then easing up. Then asking again, getting reaction again, then easing up. Sometimes I easily get into "ask, don't really feel a clear response, sort of keep going but not happy" kind of riding, so clarity is really my good friend here. Particularly with babies but also the FEI horses. Horses generally respond much better to clarity rather than ambiguity, but I think it is hard as a rider to be that disciplined all the time.
The weather here was beautiful at the beginning of the week then we had a ton of wind and dust. I hear Vegas was much worse with some nasty dust storms. Welcome to the Wild West. Today was back to nice, with temperatures in the mid 60s and tomorrow is looking even better. I'm off to teach a clinic in Portland this weekend, then back home to get everyone whipped into shape for an Alfredo clinic here at the barn the following week!
Hope the clinics go well & Yay for good work weeks ☺